This platform allows you to consult and download for free two Life Cycle Inventories (LCI) databases modelling:
the end-of-life of all household and some professional Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE),
the production of recycled plastics from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
About ecosystem
ecosystem is a not-for-profit organisation accredited by the French Authorities. In accordance with French and European regulations, ecosystem carries out a mission of public interest, i.e. the deployment throughout France of a system for collection, depollution and recycling of household and professional WEEE, lamps and small fire extinguishers.
About these LCI Databases
In this platform, ecosystem provides two sets of LCI covering different perimeters.
LCI database on the end-of-life of all household and some professional EEE:
This project has been co-financed by ADEME (French environmental agency) and has led to the development of LCI at the scale of a couple material/WEEE category (e.g.: LCI of the end-of-life of 1kg of steel in large household appliances, LCI of the end-of-life of 1kg of glass in lamps, etc.) which cover all the operations from waste collection to final destinations of the processed fractions (recycling, energy recovery, landfilling). In total, 954 LCI are gathered in this database.
Learn more about this database.
LCI database on the production of recycled plastics from WEEE:
This project has led to the development of 3 LCI on the main plastics recycled from WEEE collected in France and regenerated in Europe: PP, PS and ABS. These LCI cover all the steps from waste collection in France to final regeneration in Europe.
Learn more about this database.
The diagram below provides a quick overview of the perimeters modelled in each of these databases and the approaches considered.
You can switch from one database to the other one using the “Selected material stock” item on this page.
Important files to consider
For both databases, the following documents are provided:
Methodological report (PDF)
External review report (PDF)
A User Guide is also accessible to guide you through the LCI of the end-of-life of EEE database.
Please note that those documents are accessible through the metadata of each LCI or directly available in the folders “Source” of each Database.
Other documents such as CSV Format of the LCI (Excel) are also available in the folder Source of each Database.
Once downloaded, how to visualize the datasets?
using ILCD Editor, Tools > ILCD Editor.
or in a web browser: please download the ILCD files "schema" and "stylesheets" provided by the JRC ( and paste them into the archive downloaded. You will then be able to visualize the datasets in a web browser, following this path: Archive > ILCD > processes (right click + "open with…"). The loading may be slow.
Datasets can be used free of charge and also distributed to third parties (if unmodified). For more details, please refer to the General Terms of Use. Please note that the datasets are also directly available in some LCA software.
ecosystem works with LCA software editors to integrate these databases into their tools. You can find all or part of these datasets in the database of some LCA software (SimaPro developed by PRé Consultants, EIME developed by LCIE, Base Impacts developed by ADEME…)
For any questions on these LCI databases, please contact